We have missed each and every one of you and appreciate your patience in these uncertain times. Our instructors have been doing Virtual Lessons with those of you who have been interested and we have had great feedback on how beneficial they have been. If you have not tried one and are interested please email us and let us know, we will get you scheduled at your convenience.
On Wednesday, April 1st, we will be offering our first official Virtual Group Class using Zoom! We are inviting all Students to join us through email, so you can easily click the link of the invitation we send you for the individual instructor teaching your group level.
We hope this will be a short term situation but will continue to comply with the Mandates put upon us until it is safe to bring you back into the Studio.
I hope you all will give this a try and we are certain you will be happier with Dancing in your daily schedule. We hope to see all of you very soon and please be safe.
Thank You,
John and Danette McCraw
[email protected]